Sunday, 4 August 2013

Appy Hour 8 : Flipboard / Puppet Pals and Bible Buddies

Our session today had two key focuses:

- Flipboard

- Digital Storytelling using Puppet Pals and Bible Buddies

Flipboard is an iPad app that acts as your personal magazine. It is the most popular way to catch up on the news you care about, discover amazing things from around the world, or stay connected to the people closest to you. You can even create your own magazines on areas of interest. Make sure you subscribe to: Mindshift and iPads in the classroom.

Puppet Pals and Bible Buddies allow you to create interactive and engaging puppet shows using a range of characters and backdrops.

The following blog has some great resources for using Puppet Pals in the classroom.

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Appy Hour 7 Follow-Up - Explain Everything Website

Hi All,

The explain everything website has some wonderful resources to further your understanding of the App . It also has some good examples of students and teachers using the app for various purposes.

Check out for some great resources!! Check the EE Showcase and iBooks and iTunes U links


Add caption

Sunday, 12 May 2013

Appy Hour 7 - Explain Everything

Hi All,

For Appy Hour 7 we will be looking at the App - Explain Everything.

This is a fantastic app with many applications in the classroom - I will do a demo of the App and some of it's features and then we can have a go at making one ourselves!

Please download this app (cost is $2.99) - To download the app click here


Thursday, 4 April 2013

Appy Hour 6 - Keynote

Hi All,

For our first Appy Hour in Term 2 we will be taking a look at the App Keynote!

Many of you will be familiar with Keynote on the computer, the iPad version is a little different, but shares some similarity with the version on the computer!

Your task this week is to create a keynote presentation to introduce your students to our 'Habit Characters'. You may choose to do an overview of the 7 characters OR a presentation focusing on Kylie Kookaburra.  You will find images of our 'Habit Characters' on the most recent post. You have 30 minutes to complete this task.

Please download the App by clicking this link - the App may take a while to download as it's a big one!


Appy Hour 5 Recap

Hi All,

We had a busy Appy Hour this week with David Emery and Jeanette Davies coming in to help us setup Google Calendars in our Calendar App following the instructions here

And Jeanette ran us through how to access Overdrive on our iPads!

To access Overdrive:
1. Go to
2. Enter your '01' username
3. Select your book and press Borrow - then choose Overdrive READ

Remember, you can mirror your iPad on to your SMARTBoard when reading a book to your class!

Keep up the great work!

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Appy Hour 4 Apps

Stop Motion
Tangram Free

Appy Hour 5

Hi All,

In our session in Week 10 we will have two special guests from the CEO!!

David Emery will be here to help us set up the staff calendar of events and some general tips and tricks!

and Jeanette Davies will be taking us through the Overdrive App which will allow us to borrow eBooks and Audiobooks for our iPad!

In preparation for the Appy Hour in Week 10, please download the Overdrive Media Console 

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

A great iPad blog!

Hi All,

I have come across this blog which shares some great Apps and ideas for using the iPad in the classroom. Check out the page here -

You can also subscribe to an email newsletter which will email you whenever a new post is added - you can do this here -

Keep up the great work with the iPads!


Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Appy Hour 4

At our Appy Hour this week we covered....

  • Changing themes on our blog
  • Turning on comment Approval for our blogs 
  • Removing the 'next blog' option 
  • Logging in to the blogger app on the iPad
  • Using the blogger app to post images and text from your iPad

All classes are now up and blogging! Great work!!

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Our Blogs!

Great job everyone!

Here are the links to the blogs we created in our Appy Hour 3 session.











Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Session 3: Appy Hour

Your task today is to create a blog for your classroom. The purpose of this blog is to showcase all the wonderful things that happen in your classroom. Your primary audience will be your parents and of course your students.

You have 40 minutes to create your class blog!

1. Set up your blog
2. Write an introductory post
3. Add an image
4. Experiment with the design

Saturday, 2 March 2013

Some iPad Tips and Tricks - Great link

Hi All,

I have come across this link which has some great instructions on how to get the most out of your iPad - thought you might like to check it out. Click here to check it out

Looking forward to our Appy hour on Wednesday afternoon :)


Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Second session of Appy hour!

For this session of appy hour we focused on using the app Pages.

Pages is a great app for creating documents, posters, invitations etc.

This short five minute video has some great tips and tricks for using pages -

We covered
- How to save images from the internet
- How to create an album in the photos app
- Creating a pages document using the templates
- Inserting images in to a frame - resizing, cropping and adding a border
- Editing text, shapes and images
- Saving editing and emailing your pages document!

You all had a go at creating a poster focussing on the 7 Habits and did a great job! Keep up the great work!

We will post the Apps shared by staff in the Speed Session next!


Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Task: using the app Pages

Your task is to design a poster that shows the connection between one of the seven habits and the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

- You will work with a partner
- You will have Father Ken's scaffold to support you in this task
- You and your partner will need to source images from the net and save them in your camera roll
- Then begin building your poster
- You have 20 MINUTES to build your poster

Good Luck!

Friday, 8 February 2013

Part 2 Of First Session Of Appy Hour

These Apps were suggested during our Appy Hour Speed Session:

Suggested App

Planning app for teachers
Interactive narrative
This app enables you to create flipbooks in the classroom. You can even add audio.
This is an interactive picture book app
Great app for practising time tables

This app is great for Kinder and Year 1…. It explores ten frames.

Thursday, 7 February 2013

First Session Of Appy Hour!

Hi All,

Thank you for your attendance at the first session of the year! It is great to see your enthusiasm and eagerness so early in the year!!

As promised, we will put up a blog entry each fortnight revising what we have done for those unable to attend, and advising of the focus of the next session and apps required for that.

In our first session of 2013 we covered....
  • Mirroring your iPad to your SMARTBoard with the Reflector App
  • Adding your favourite websites as 'Apps' on your iPad
  • Entering contact information in to your iPads Contacts app 
  • Entering events in to your Calendar (in our next session we will be looking at how to sync your iPad with the school events Google Calendar) 
  • How to close and switch quickly between apps you have open

HELP!!! I can't remember how to mirror my iPad to my SMARTboard!
  • Launch Reflector software on your SMARTboard
  • Swipe 4 fingers up on your iPad
  • Then swipe your fingers to the right on the bottom of the screen until you come to the Reflector options. 
  • Then click the device you want to mirror to.
  • Then turn on mirroring.